Get the Facts: What You Should Know About Tummy Tucks

by | Apr 22, 2019 | Surgery

It can be challenging to achieve a toned tummy. This is especially true after you’ve birthed a few children.

If diet and exercise aren’t giving you the sleek tummy that you desire, there are other options. A tummy tuck in Naperville might be the solution to your dilemma. Here’s what you should know about tummy tucks.

1. There are a few types of tummy tuck procedures.

The goal of this surgical procedure is to tighten your tummy muscles. A mini-tummy tuck tightens the lower part of your abdomen and loose skin surrounding this area. The standard tummy tuck procedure tightens underlying muscles and gets rid of excess skin. An extended tummy tuck procedure tightens muscles in the entire part of your lower torso. If you’re not sure which procedure is right for you, one of our surgeons can assist you.

2. It takes several weeks to recover from a tummy tuck.

After your abdominal muscles have been cut, they’ll need time to heal. Depending on the procedure, you may not be able to return to work for a few weeks. It’s important for you to get adequate rest after your surgery.

3. A tummy tuck won’t resolve your weight issues.

Before your tummy tuck procedure, you should get close to your ideal weight. A tummy tuck can accentuate your weight loss efforts, but it can’t change eating habits or help you lose weight. You must take care of these issues before the surgery.

Wondering if a tummy tuck in Naperville is right for you? Schedule a consultation with one of our surgeons at Liposuction and Cosmetic Surgery Institute.

Our board-certified surgeons perform tummy tucks, breast augmentation, vaginal rejuvenation, and other procedures. If you’d like to explore our list of services at Liposuction and Cosmetic Surgery Institute.

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