So you have a gift for massage. Your family and friends have long admired your skill in massaging them when they are in pain or stressed out and you want to branch out and help more people. You find a great massage school, one where you can learn more about different types of massage therapies and how they work and what they do to relieve people’s minds and bodies. As you learn more and get plenty of practice in, your skills will develop and sharpen and you will gain more self-confidence and experience that will stay with you throughout life. However, before you can begin using your perfected talents in a professional business setting, you will need to acquire your massage therapist certification. Frederick, Maryland is one among many places that require students to be licensed or registered before they can legally practice.
What You Need To Learn Before Becoming A Certified Massage Therapist
At a massage therapy school in Maryland, you will need to learn much more than just how to perfectly perform different types of massage techniques if you want to make it in the business world. One of the things you will need to learn are the ethics associated with massage therapy. This will enable you to have a successful business with many happy clients who rely on you to help them relax, relieve stress and decrease their discomfort, while putting their full trust in you. At a massage therapy school, you will also learn about how to maintain a good sense of business professionalism.
Getting Your Massage Therapist Certification In Frederick
In the state of Maryland, you are required to be either registered or licensed to practice massage therapy legally. However, whether you get a registration or a licensure depends on where you want to do massage. A registration allows you to do massage in many different environments and businesses, except any healthcare settings. With a registration, you can open up a private practice. To become registered, you need to have had at least 600 hours of massage training and practice at an accredited school. You also need to have passed either the NCETM, NCETMB or the MBLEx examinations, as well as the Maryland Massage Therapy Jurisprudence Exam. A licensure allows you to practice massage therapy in any business, including healthcare settings. To obtain it, you need to meet all the requirements for a registration, as well as completing sixty hours of college course work.