Talking to an Expert Pediatric Specialist in Carlsbad

by | Jan 15, 2016 | Childs Health

When your child is ill, it can be the hardest thing to handle as a parent. You want to do all you can to make it better for them. One way to do that is to obtain the very best medical care for them. Your regular doctor may have referred you to a specialist. They may have told you that what your child needs is beyond the scope of what they can provide.

Make the Connection

If you are referred to a pediatric specialist in Carlsbad, make the connection as soon as you can. Contact their office to make an appointment for your child. If you didn’t get a referral but you do want to see a specialist, find one that has a wonderful reputation. Contact them to see if they are taking new patients. If they are, get on the schedule.

It is vital you find a provider that you are comfortable talking to. You are putting your child’s well-being in their hands. You need to feel confident they have experience, skills, and they are doing all they can to help your child. Medical care can be a long process of ruling out possible diagnoses and trying to find the right solution. Many health problems have similar symptoms and the doctor will do all they can to pinpoint the underlying cause for your child.

Medical Records

In order for a pediatric specialist to offer the best possible care, they need knowledge of what has been going on with your child. They need documentation of symptoms, medications, surgeries, and health concerns you have. Give them as much information as you can during the first initial intake appointment.

It can be helpful to write down dates and information so you don’t struggle to remember. It can be too much to remember if they have had ongoing health concerns. You will also need to authorize your child’s medical records to be shared with this specialist. Once you have made the appointment, take the necessary steps to get those records delivered.

Contact your child’s regular doctor so they can process the request. It can take several days for them to be sent. Ideally, you want the pediatric specialist to have the documentation before your child’s first appointment. This gives them time to review the details and to ask questions. It also gives them a good starting point for what to look for at the appointment.


Based on the medical records, requested tests, and their exam of your child, the specialist can create a treatment plan for you. The goal will be to help your child feel better as soon as possible. Make sure you fully understand the treatment plan and follow the instructions. Keep all follow-up appointments and let the specialist know if your child seems to be getting worse instead of better.

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