Rehab should not have a negative connotation; In fact, when a person chooses to devote themselves to rehab they have a better chance for recovery when it comes to sex addiction. Usually treatment involves a thirty to sixty day stay in a treatment facility. Sex addiction rehab tends to rely heavily on the techniques and structure proven to be effective in the treatment of other addictions such as alcoholism, drugs and gambling to name a few.
The early focus includes breaking the cycle of addiction which can include people, places and things that normally trigger the addiction. By addressing an addict’s denial about their problems, developing basic coping skills to help maintain sobriety after their treatment and managing the crisis that sent them to rehab the truth slowly starts to make itself known. As with many other types of addictions, a stay in rehab does not completely cure someone. It takes setting long-term goals that will prepare a sex addict for outpatient work that will follow their stay at a rehab facility.
Many Facets of Sex Addiction Will Be Addressed
By deciding to enter treatment at a sex rehab, you will receive care in order to address the particular sex addiction, and provide healthy solutions. There are many facets to sex addiction which may or may not include early-life trauma. The focus of inpatient work tends to narrow down all of the specific needs of a patient, not just one facet in order to ensure that the treatment is effective.
Sex rehab itself deals with the current situation and helps sex addicts get a basic understanding of their problems while cultivating coping skills that will help them maintain their sexual sobriety on a daily basis. This approach is called the first-things-first approach which will identify and stop an addict’s problematic sexual behavior. Once this type of modicum has been established, then therapy and counseling can focus on childhood issues that may be related.
The Evaluation Period
In order to truly treat a sex addict, their specific situation needs to be evaluated. This can be done with an extensive bio-psycho-social-sexual assessment. Every aspect of an addict’s life will be explored, not just the sexual addiction aspects of it.
By taking this approach and looking at life circumstances, mental health issues, and physical health issues the correct problems can be addressed in association with sex addiction. This assessment process can also include a romantic and sexual history. Such an evaluation helps the treatment staff and the addict to understand an addict’s situation.