There is more to Foot massage in Honolulu HI than easing the soreness that can come from being on the feet all day long. When provided by a professional, the massage can produce some unexpected benefits. Here are some examples of what can happen after choosing to have a massage two or three times a week.
Elevating the Mood
People who are struggling with an anxiety disorder or mild or moderate depression will find that having a Foot massage in Honolulu HI every few days will help to balance and elevate the mood. Part of this has to do with the fact that the massage helps to stimulate blood circulation. The circulation helps to carry nutrients to various parts of the body. That includes the brain, where some of those nutrients are used to produce the neurotransmitters necessary for emotional balance.
Decreasing the Risk of Stiffness in the Feet and Ankles
Foot massage also helps to keep the muscles and tissue limber rather than being collection points for tension. Limber muscles will also be more relaxed and less prone to tension. That helps to reduce the possibility of the feet and ankles feeling stiff at the end of the day.
Blood Pressure Benefits
When people think of massage and blood pressure, the assumption is that a full body massage is the only way to help lower those numbers. In fact, a foot massage by a professional will also lower blood pressure to a safer level. For people who are not comfortable with a full body massage for any reason, opting for a foot massage makes sense.
Dealing Migraines
The feet may be far removed from the site of a migraine headache, but that does not mean a massage will have no impact. Because foot massage does promote better blood circulation, people who suffer from migraines find that using massage along with other strategies decreases the frequency and severity of the headaches.
For anyone who has never experienced a foot massage before, today is the day to contact Thai-Issan Therapeutic Massage and make an appointment. After that first massage, there will be no doubt that the individual will be back for more.