Get a Better Profile with Rhinoplasty in Chicago Plastic Surgery Services

by | Oct 23, 2023 | Cosmetic Surgery

Plastic surgery has become a popular way to maintain your appearance for your career and for your social life, among both men and women. A variety of procedures are available, but the nose job, or rhinoplasty, is still among the most common surgeries requested. If you are thinking about surgery to change the shape or size of your nose, here are a few points to keep in mind.

Have You Considered a Nose Job?

Sometimes, rhinoplasty surgery is recommended to correct a nasal problem that can affect breathing. Or you may have damage to the nose from an accident or illness. However, many times, nasal surgery is simply chosen to change the shape, size, or proportion of the nose. However, you should wait until the nasal bone is fully grown at age 15 in girls and a little older in boys.

What Happens During Rhinoplasty?

Usually, rhinoplasty in Chicago is done under general anesthesia so that you won’t feel anything during the procedure. Incisions are made inside the nose to remove tissue and to re-shape the remaining tissue. If needed, a bone graft may be done to provide additional structure for the re-shaped tissue. After the surgery, a plastic or metal splint is placed on the nose to protect it during healing. You will have the splints and bandages on for a week after the procedure. Drainage and minor bleeding are common after the procedure. You will have to limit your activities for several weeks after surgery.

The size or shape of your nose can cause a great deal of self-consciousness, but remedies are available to give you the nose you always wanted. If you need rhinoplasty Chicago plastic surgery care, contact Liposuction And Cosmetic Surgery Institute for a consultation to learn about changes that can make you feel more confident in your appearance.

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