Seeing An Emergency Child Pediatrician in San Antonio Texas For A Food Allergy

by | Jul 15, 2016 | Childs Health

When someone has a baby who is learning how to eat new foods, they will want to be diligent in observing the child for any signs of an allergic reaction. It is an exciting time when a baby is ready for solid foods. Knowing how to appropriately test each food for allergies is very important. Here are some tips one can use when starting to feed their baby solid foods.

It is important to start with one food and continue to give it to the baby each day for at least three days in a row. This will allow for any signs of an allergic reaction to be recognized, making it easier to pinpoint what foods to avoid in the future. Once the baby eats a food without an allergy for several days, it can be deemed as “safe” and given again whenever desired. After one food is successfully consumed without allergies, add a second food to the baby’s diet. Again, have the baby eat it for three to five days in a row, watching for allergy symptoms.

Introducing one new food at a time will ensure allergic reactions are found promptly. If the baby displays signs such as trouble breathing, a rash on their body after eating a food, swelling of the face, vomiting, diarrhea, or loss of consciousness, bring the child to an Emergency Child Pediatrician in San Antonio Texas immediately. They will be able to give the baby medication to reverse the symptoms of the allergy. They will then recommend the baby goes to an allergist to determine if a food they had eaten was indeed the cause for the reactions they had.

If someone needs to bring a baby to an Emergency Child Pediatrician in San Antonio Texas, they will want to find a reliable practice that will attend to the child promptly. Check out before starting the food introduction process so the emergency phone number will be on hand if needed. If an allergic reaction is noticed, a call can be made and the child can be brought to the facility for immediate treatment.

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